Ransomware and Co. are old – which cyber threats will you have to worry about next year?
Med: Candid Wuest, VP of Acronis Research på Acronis
Ransomware has been around for a long time, 33 years to be precise, and has plagued many organizations. These attacks continue as they are still profitable, but attackers have shifted their focus more to data exfiltration as disaster recovery readiness has improved.
In this talk, we will discuss top 10 cyber threat trend forecasts. Each of the topics is introduced with an example, probability and impact are analyzed and mitigation steps are highlighted.
The list of topics includes: data breaches e.g. through cloud buckets, authentication attacks like MFA fatigue, AI automated phishing with reinforced learning, DeFi smart contract attacks, living of your infrastructure incidents like RMM and PSA attacks, in-browser attacks, M2M API attacks in the cloud, business process attacks like changing invoice templates and adversarial AI attempts.
Taggning: Cyber Security and Cloud
Om: Candid Wuest
Candid Wuest is the VP of Research at Acronis, the Swiss-Singaporean cyber protection company, where he researches on new threat trends and comprehensive protection methods. Previously he worked for more than sixteen years as the tech lead for Symantec’s global security response team. Wuest has published a book, various whitepapers and has been featured as a security expert in top-tier media outlets. He is a frequent speaker at security-related conferences including RSAC and AREA41. Wuest is an advisor for the Swiss federal government on cyber risks. He learned coding and the English language on a Commodore 64. He holds a master of computer science from the ETH Zurich and various certifications and patents.