• Disaster Resilience Solutions for Sustainable Smart Cities of Tomorrow

    Med: Rouzbeh Nazari, Associate Professor and Director på Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center - Alabama at Birmingham

    Given the destruction imposed by natural disasters, it is clear that sustainable smart cities need to re-evaluate and reform the resiliency of their infrastructures systematically. This approach should consider how the three elements of a community, including its population, built environment (critical infrastructures), and hazards/disasters, are intertwined. Communities and local decision-makers must take proactive measures to improve their resilience through land use planning, public education, and disaster preparedness. There is a pressing need for easily accessible tools and comprehensive resources for citizens, communities, and municipalities faced with challenging tasks. Decision-makers need access to resources, unified data, tools, and robust science and engineering-based information to help them assess their resilience and make informed decisions to improve communities, mitigate, and manage the risk of natural disasters.


    Om: Rouzbeh Nazari

    Dr. Nazari is an Associate Professor and Director of the Sustainable Smart Cities Research Center (SSCR) with a dual appointment in the Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering and School of Public Health at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Nazari is the founder and creator of NJFloodAlert.com and Planetary Resilience (a National Science Foundation-funded startup based on his patented work). This first high-resolution asset-based resiliency decision-making system is currently used by state and local officials and residents in New Jersey. He has worked on New York and New Jersey Resiliency planning. He has been a pioneer in the damage and resiliency assessment of coastal infrastructures and community vulnerability to natural disasters. He has received over $17,900,000 in federal, state, and industry funding for his research. Dr. Nazari’s research has been supported by NSF, USDA, FEMA, NJDCA, NJDEP, NY/NJ DOT, and American Water. Dr. Nazari’s work has been featured on TV and in major Newspapers, including PIX11 news, NJTV, US Guardian, Philadelphia Inquirer, New Jersey Business, and Press of Atlantic City, to name a few. Dr. Nazari has published several book chapters and journal papers and has presented his work at national and international conferences.